#unitedCU - Maddie Stuzin

November 02, 2017

#unitedCU. Our community, our values. 

What brings the Columbia community together?

  • As simplistic as it might sound, I think that what brings our community together is the creation of a common identity, but this is heightened by the fact that we have an individual responsibility to contribute to this group identity. When I first came Columbia, I was so mesmerized by my fellow students and all the amazing things they were discussing and writing and crafting and changing and when I express this to people from home, they would ask me if I ever felt like I was comparing myself to the accomplishment of others. This was never something that occurred to me because I felt like we were in a way contributing to this shared identity, all striving to make the most of this place that we share.

What do you welcome on campus?

  • I welcome our campus’ exchange of stories, ideas, and opinions. I find that I learn just as much as from my peers, who have experiences both in their lives prior to Columbia and the lives they lead now that are so vastly different than my own. This is one of the ways that we foster our collective Columbia identity.

What does inclusion mean to you?

  • To me, Inclusion is when a group or community is open to communication with all different kinds of people and the array of ideas, backgrounds and perspectives they bring to the table. However, those on the inside cannot purport to include people on the outside if the latter do not feel like they are included. There needs to be an awareness of inclusion on both sides, the ones doing the including, and the ones being included.

What does belonging mean to you?

  • Belonging is when one feels part of something bigger than oneself and feel valued within the group for one's individual qualities


Maddie Stuzin
Maddie Stuzin is a Columbia College junior, defender on the Columbia Lions women's lacrosse team and works to raise relationship violence awareness with the One Love Foundation. Related video from the 2017 Sexual Respect Initiative: http://bit.ly/SRI17_LisaLing