Welcome Week

Welcome Week

January 21-31, 2025

Looking to make friends and learn about University resources? This series of free, fun events is a chance to build your foundation for the semester ahead and beyond! Welcome Week is open to all Columbia students from all schools and campuses – whether you are a new or returning student, an undergraduate or graduate student. We hope to see you at our upcoming events!

Welcome Week Events - Spring 2025

January 21 - 31, 2025

Maps & Snacks

Tuesday, Jan. 21,
10 - 11 a.m.


Stop by Kent Hall Room 202 for a snack and a campus map.
Learn more.

fork, dinner plate, and knife next to each other
Dinner with Strangers (full)

Tuesday, Jan. 21
5:15 - 7 p.m. 


Gather to meet new people, form connections, and build a sense of community—all while enjoying great food, fun trivia, and student performances. 

Register here

Letter and stamps
Letter to Myself Workshop

Wednesday, Jan. 22
12 - 2 p.m. 


Join us for a moment of communal reflection, where you can write a letter to your future self. 
Register here.

two mugs with coloring pencils with scissors beside them and a cup of tea with a smiling face on it
Coloring and Chamomile

Thursday, Jan. 23
4:30 - 6 p.m.

Join us in kicking off the semester with an afternoon of creative coloring, tea tasting, and tasty treats. 
Learn more

yoga mat
Yoga Class

Thursday, Jan. 23 & Jan. 30
7-8 p.m.


Take a break to relax and refresh with yoga in Earl Hall. No pre-registration required; open to all Columbia University students. Please bring your own mat and arrive 10 minutes early to sign in and set up. 
Learn more

Animated graphic of three students sitting down around a table talking and enjoying food and drinks
Winter Welcome Gathering

Friday, Jan. 24
4 - 7 p.m.


The International Students and Scholars Office and University Life invite you to stop by the 2025 spring semester Winter Welcome Gathering! Games, music, activities, and snacks will be provided. 
Learn more

exercise bike
Free Week of Fitness

Monday, Jan. 27 - Feb. 2
Check Schedule


Join Columbia PEREC for variety of FREE group fitness, yoga, indoor cycling, and functional fitness classes at the Dodge Fitness Center. Classes are drop-in only. First-come, first-served. 
Learn more

Center for Student Success and Intervention logo
Office Hours with the Center for Student Success & Intervention (CSSI)

Monday, Jan. 27
1-3 p.m.


Get to know CSSI's Case Management and Student Support team. Learn about services and support available to you and ask questions to troubleshoot basic needs, resource referrals, and goal setting for the Spring semester.
Register here

plant with flowers painted on the pot alongside several paint brushes
Spring Seedlings | Pot Painting & Seed Planting

Monday, Jan. 27
4:30 - 6 p.m.

Paint your own mini terracotta pot and plant an herb of your choosing. Come for relaxation, to meet new friends or gather with old friends, and plant a new friend to keep you company all semester long.
Learn more

woman petting a dog on the ground
Pet Therapy (CUIMC Only)

Monday, Jan. 27
5-6 p.m.


Pet Therapy offers CU community members a relaxing and accessible opportunity for one-on-one and group interaction with trained pet therapy animals.
Learn more

Two word bubbles
Navigating Disability Disclosure Conversations

Wednesday, Jan. 29
12 - 1 p.m. 


This workshop serves to empower students who may not feel confident about disclosing their disability and provide them with useful information on how to have these conversations and what they should know regarding disability policies in the classroom and eventually workplace.
Register here

crafting items, decorative beads
Crafting Connections

Wednesday, Jan. 29,
4 - 6 p.m.


Come unwind, unleash your creativity, and forge new friendships to start the semester off on the right foot!
Register here.

silhouette figure in a yoga pose
Qigong Workshop with Sally Chang

Thursday, Jan. 30
3-4:30 p.m.


Qigong is an embodied art that manifests Daoist principles in moving meditation. Join Religious Life and instructor Sally Chang who will teach a gentle, fun, and energizing set of movements. 
Register here

CSSI logo in circle with light blue background
Campus Connect w/ CSSI

Thursday, Jan. 30
1:30 - 3:30 p.m.


Center for Student Success and Intervention (CSSI) ​is part of University Life and serves students ​from across all 17 schools​. Stop by to learn more about ​h​ow CSSI help​s students through various challenges and the different resources our center offers!​ 

Matcha latte
Grad Welcome: Matcha and Mingle! (Full)

Thursday, Jan. 30
5 - 7 p.m.


Join us at Matcha & Mingle, where graduate students come together to network, collaborate, and unwind!
Register here

music notes
Sacred Music

Thursday, Jan. 30
6-7 p.m. 


Religious Life is hosting sacred music concerts throughout the Spring semester. Find a moment for quiet reflection and beautiful music.
Learn more

Highlights from Past Welcome Events