Annual Report: Student Gender-Based Misconduct Prevention and Response

The Gender-Based Misconduct Prevention and Response 2021-2022 Annual Report provides insight into the University’s efforts to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, sexual assault and other gender-based misconduct, as well as discrimination and harassment prohibited by University policy.

October 20, 2022

Dear Students,

I write today to share an important annual report from The Gender Based Misconduct Office. The Gender-Based Misconduct Prevention and Response 2021-2022 Annual Report provides insight into the University’s efforts to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, sexual assault and other gender-based misconduct, as well as discrimination and harassment prohibited by University policy.

The report includes data on the University’s extensive training and resources, including Columbia’s Community Citizenship Initiative. It also provides data related to reports on gender-based misconduct among students.

Columbia University is committed to fostering an environment that is free from gender-based discrimination and harassment, including sexual assault and all other forms of gender-based misconduct. You can learn more about our policies and find resources at

We appreciate your taking the time to review this report and hope you find it informative.


Dennis A. Mitchell
Executive Vice President for University Life
Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement
Professor of Dental Medicine at CUMC