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Spaces in Earl Hall
Below are the spaces available in Earl Hall. Each page provides more information on the space, including available furniture, accessibility considerations, room configurations, and more.
Maximum capacities listed below are for reception-style setups only.
Amenities and Information
If you have specific accessibility needs, please reach out in advance of your event to ensure smooth access.
Building Accessibility
- The accessible entrance to Earl Hall is located on the south side of the building (facing Lewisohn Hall).
- Wheelchair lifts are available on each floor. There is no elevator in Earl Hall.
- An accessible, gender-neutral restroom is located on the first floor.
- Each room has air conditioning available via either window or mobile units.
The first floor contains a men's bathroom, a women's bathroom, and a gender-neutral, accessible bathroom.
There is a wudu (foot bath) located on the first floor.