Get Involved

Want to get involved with University Life?

Check out our programs and initiatives below!

University Life Ambassadors on Philosophy Lawn
University Life Ambassadors

Ambassadors contribute ideas, engage with other student leaders, consult with University Life staff, promote events and more. As an Ambassador, you can help build an inclusive community, gain leadership skills, and make rewarding connections with students across schools.

Four students make goodie bags for fall holiday
Volunteer with Community Impact

Each year, Community Impact serves thousands of community members through more than 20 programs in the areas of Adult Education and Workforce Development, Emergency Services, Health Access, and Youth Achievement. You can serve alongside Columbia University and Barnard students in the Harlem, Washington Heights, and Morningside Heights communities. 

Events Council Members Pose with beach balls at Low Lounge Summer in December
University Life Events Council

The Events Council designs events that build community for all students across all schools and campuses, create opportunities for students to connect beyond their schools, and promote University community traditions.

Three students chatting on the Manhattanville Campus (Columbia University)
The Graduate Initiative

The Graduate Initiative for Inclusion and Engagement is part of Columbia’s commitment to diversity and the success of all graduate and professional school students. This initiative was designed with the needs of students from historically marginalized communities in mind, including BIPOC and first-generation students. All students are welcome.

Student Volunteers stock the food pantry at CUIMC
Volunteer at The Food Pantry

The Food Pantry is a vital resource for students on campus serving thousands of students annually. It is a place where students can come to get access to food and products they need to succeed, without shame or stigma. Food Pantry volunteers support pantry operations and spread awareness about the pantry.

Students and religious leaders eating and learning together during the multi-faith fellowship.
Multi-Faith Fellowship

Religious Life's Multi-Faith Fellowship provides the rare opportunity for genuine learning and community across faith traditions. Honesty, openness, and humility are core values that make the Multi-Faith Fellowship a unique experience on campus. 

Photo of Student Voice Participants
Student Voices

Everyone's Columbia story is unique, which is why we are excited to share them! Share your story in a blog or social media post.

Five students pose near Low steps on the Morningside Campus
Interschool Governing Board (IGB)

The IGB is part of Columbia’s student government responsible for recognizing and funding student groups on campus not already covered by a school, program, student council or government, the Activities Board at Columbia, or the Student Governing Board. 

Sacred Music Concert in St. Paul's Chapel: Sign up for Religious Life emails to find out about events like this
Sacred Music at Columbia

Religious Life presents free concerts at St. Paul’s Chapel (117th & Amsterdam) and streaming on YouTube on Tuesdays at 7pm and Thursdays at 6pm. This is a great space to relax, unwind, and hear beautiful music.

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Religious Life Email Updates

Religious Life supports the spiritual needs of the whole University community. Students, faculty, and staff from any faith tradition, or from no tradition, can sign up to receive updates about concerts, yoga, and other opportunities for spiritual enrichment.

Haven't found your right fit yet? Make sure to read our weekly newsletters for more opportunities or email us at [email protected] with your questions, suggestions, or ideas.