Columbia’s Working Group on Inclusive Public Safety focuses on supporting inclusive public safety on Columbia’s campuses. The group’s charge, as set out by President Bollinger in his July 21 message to the community about Columbia’s Commitment to Anti-Racism, was to work with the leadership of our Office of Public Safety to examine existing trainings and practices, and to recommend concrete strategies for ensuring that we can have truly inclusive safety for all who are on Columbia’s campuses.
The working group, which includes students, faculty and staff from the Morningside and Medical Center campuses, will meet regularly throughout the fall semester. Learn about the group's members.
As part of fulfilling the charge described above, an important function of this group is to create opportunities for current Columbia community members and recent alums to share their experiences and offer their ideas to support inclusive public safety at Columbia. View the meeting notes or learn how to share your feedback.
We will continue to update this site with additional information as the semester begins. In the meantime, we welcome your questions and suggestions at [email protected].
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