Resources for Faculty, Staff and Researchers

The Blue Folder

Columbia University’s Blue Folder is a resource for faculty and staff seeking guidance on how to identify, respond to and support students in distress. The Blue Folder also includes a list of campus and community resources, which are available to support the mental health and well-being of the Columbia Community.

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Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action

EOAA has overall responsibility for the University’s Employee Policies and Procedures on Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking.

The Center for Student Success and Intervention (CSSI)

CSSI uses a 360-degree lens approach to student support work, including student conduct, intervention case management and student support initiatives.

Title IX Coordinator

Columbia’s Title IX Coordinator works with EOAA, the Gender-Based Misconduct Office and other campus resources to ensure a safe, welcoming, and harassment free-environment for all students, faculty and staff.

Sexual Respect Website

Columbia's Sexual Respect website details additional confidential and nonconfidential resources for students.

Additional Resources

Benefits/Human Resources

Contact Columbia Benefits Service Center, for inquiries about medical and dental coverage, retirement, tuition programs and disability, and Human Resources Service Center for payroll and accounting, employment applications and verification, and other policies and procedures.

Community Safety

Columbia Public Safety provides emergency response, assistance with personal threats, security escorts, lost and found, and assistance with law enforcement.

Compliance Concerns

The University's compliance hotline is a confidential channel, by phone and web-based, for employees to report or seek guidance on possible compliance issues. 

Disability Services - to help a student

Disability Services works with faculty and staff to support accommodations for students and accessibility for events and course materials.

Disability Services - for employees

Columbia’s Human Resources Service Center works with all employees self-identifying with a disability.

Immigration & Undocumented Student Concerns

The International Students and Scholars Office is the go-to resource for international students and visiting professors and researchers. Find undocumented/DACA student resources here.

Inclusive Teaching

The Center for Teaching and Learning offers resources, workshops and individualized consultation.

LGBTQ Students, Faculty and Staff

Students can register preferred names, which will appear on course rosters. All may use restrooms that are most consistent with their gender identity - campus maps include single-user and gender-neutral restrooms.

Ombuds Office

The University Ombuds Office is a confidential place to discuss workplace and academic concerns, policies and procedures and many other issues. Ombuds serve faculty, students, staff and alumni and are not part of any formal University process.

Research Misconduct

The University defines research misconduct, in accordance with federal policy, as any fabrication, falsification or plagiarism in proposing, performing or reviewing research or in the reporting of research results. 

Spiritual Support and Resources

The Office of Religious Life seeks to meet the spiritual and religious needs of Columbia’s diverse community. Housed in Earl Hall, the office provides spaces for prayer, reflection, meditation, and worship. Over fifteen religious life advisers, representing the major faith traditions, partner with the office to provide counseling and leadership support to our various communities. 

Veterans, Active Military Service Members, and their Dependents

Student Financial Services

Student Financial Services and the School of General studies handle resources, policies, and procedures for veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces.

School of General Studies

Student Financial Services and the School of General studies handle resources, policies, and procedures for veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Resilience Center for Veterans and Families

Research and psychological services also are available through the Resilience Center for Veterans and Families at Teachers College.

Center for Veteran Transition and Integration

The Columbia University Center for Veteran Transition and Integration provides programming and support for veterans transitioning to colleges, graduate and professional schools, civilian life, and the workforce.