Women, Life, Freedom: Iran's Movement for Women's Rights
In the wake of 22-year-old Mahsa (Jhina) Amini's mid-September death after she was arrested by Iran's Morality Police for improper veiling, the world has witnessed a political movement led by young Iranian women. This conversation, with a range of Columbia experts, explored the unrest in Iran within the broader historical and geo-political context, where it may lead, and how it connects with other global challenges.
Additional Resources
- A New Iran Has Been Born--A Global Iran - https://newlinesmag.com/argument/a-new-iran-has-been-born-a-global-iran/
- Figuring a Women's Revolution: Bodies Interacting with their Images - https://www.jadaliyya.com/Details/44479/Figuring-a-Women%E2%80%99s-Revolution-Bodies-Interacting-with-their-Images
- For Iranian Women, the Uprising Was a Long Time Coming - https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2022/1013/Iran-s-women-on-freedom-This-cause-won-t-diehttps://www.thenation.com/article/world/iran-women-uprising/
- Global Citizen - 9 Ways to Help Women in Iran After Mahsa Jina Amini’s Death - https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/jina-mahsa-amini-death-what-to-do/
- Iran’s First Feminist Uprising https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2022/11/iran-mahsa-amini-protest-evin-prison-fire/671950/?utm_source=feed
- Iran’s women on freedom: ‘This cause won’t die’ - https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2022/1013/Iran-s-women-on-freedom-This-cause-won-t-die
- The Guardian - Why Iran’s Female-led Revolt Fills me with Hope - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/08/iran-mahsa-amini-women-girls-revolt-hope
- The Many Shades of Iran’s Protest Art - https://hyperallergic.com/768539/the-many-shades-of-iran-protest-art/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=D101222&utm_content=D101222+CID_279a06d30a870d946b88f1a07ddf09b9&utm_source=hn&utm_term=The+Many+Shades+of+Irans+Protest+Art
- The Washington Post - Four decades of smoldering discontent among Iranian women is erupting- https://www.washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2022/09/26/iranian-women-uprising-against-oppression-history/
- Time - Why Students Joining Iran's Protest Wave Matters - https://time.com/6220554/students-iran-protests/
- 70 Feminist Reasons Why Women Protest in Iran Today - https://www.jadaliyya.com/Details/44537
- American Association of University Professors - https://www.aaupcu.org/
- Iranian American Women Foundation - https://www.iawfoundation.org/
- Iran’s First Feminist Uprising - https://publicseminar.org/essays/irans-first-feminist-uprising/
- Middle East Matters - https://mideastmatters.carrd.co/
- United for Iran - https://united4iran.org/en/
- Women’s Foreign Policy Group - Help Iranian Women https://www.wfpg.org/wfpg-in-support-of-iranian-women
- Front Burner - The long fight for women’s rights in Iran- https://www.cbc.ca/listen/cbc-podcasts/209-front-burner/episode/15940744-the-long-fight-for-womens-rights-in-iran
- Iran Protests: A Feminist Social Movement -
- https://visavis.podcasts.library.columbia.edu/podcast/iran-protests-a-feminist-social-movement/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=highlights102822
- Kian Tajbakhsh Interview BBC World Service Newshour (with Tim Franks)
- Oct 12, 2022. about Iran Protests https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w172yfc6f2wkylh (Iran segment @ 32m–38m)
- NYT’s The Daily - An Iranian Uprising Led by Women - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/28/podcasts/the-daily/iran-protests-women.html
- The Take (Al Jazeera) - Women, Life, Freedom, The Chants of Iran’s Protests - https://omny.fm/shows/the-take/women-life-freedom-the-chants-of-irans-protests
- Throughline: The Woman Question - https://www.npr.org/2022/10/19/1129998206/the-woman-question
- Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi (graphic novel and also animated into a film)
- Persian Mirrors Elaine Scioliono
- Morningside/Manhattanville students: You are invited to join a weekly in-person support group hosted by Counseling and Psychological Services. To register, email Wardeh C. Hattab, LCSW at [email protected] with “Iranian Student Group" in the subject line. For individual support, students may call 212-854-2878 or drop-in for urgent concerns or a problem-solving/coping skills session.
- CUIMC students: Individual counseling and support sessions are available for students seeking additional support. Visit the Student Health portal or call 212-305-3400 to schedule a support session.