LGBTQIA+ communities in the United States and beyond continue to face repression for their sexual orientation and gender identities. Despite a long history of gender and sexual diversity across the globe, LGBTQIA+ bias and discrimination remain pervasive on a wide scale.
The resources below were compiled in partnership with students, faculty, and staff from across the University for you to use in exploring this critical issue and devloping skills to combat LGBTQIA+ bias and discrimination. Requests to add additional items can be sent to [email protected].
The resources below include off-campus resources that Columbia is neither affiliated with nor explicitly endorses. This list is intended only to inform our community of available resources.
The books listed below are only a small sample of books available from Columbia Libraries on this topic. Please consult with a Columbia reference librarian for additional resources.
Book descriptions are visible when hovering over book covers.
Columbia Resources:
- For Morningside/Manhattanville students
- For CUIMC students
- Counseling Services
- Support Space for LGBTQIA+ Students - Contact: Justin Laird, PhD at [email protected]
- The Program for the Study of LGBT Health
- All students can report incidents of bias to their Dean of Students.
- Students may report incidents here.
- Columbia College and SEAS undergraduate students, please report incidents here.
- Career Education (Columbia College, SEAS Undergraduates, and General Studies)
- Columbia Law School
- How To Be a Visible LGBTQ+ Ally
- LGBTQ Resources at Mailman
- LGBTQ+ themed events
- Undergraduate Student Life (Columbia College & SEAS Undergraduates)
External Resources
- Black Feminism & the Movement for Black Lives
- Callen-Lorde
- Consortium of Higher Education Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Professionals
- Familia
- Gay and Lesbian Straight Education Network
- GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation)
- Human Rights Campaign
- It Gets Better
- National Black Justice Coalition
- National Black Trans Advocacy Coalition (BTAC)
- National Center for Lesbian Rights
- National Center for Transgender Equality
- National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce
- NYC Unity Project
- Out for Undergrad
- Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
- The Anti-Violence Project
- The Audre Lorde Project
- The Center
- Trikone
- Union=Fuerza
- United We Dream - Queer Undocumented Immigrant Project
- Yale LGBTQ Mental Health Initiative
- A handbook on discussing the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival for trans activists and allies | Emi Koyama
- A queer and trans fat activist timeline | Charlotte Cooper
- A Queer Cousin Story | Farha Najah
- Alex | A.E.H
- Asexual Content | Olivia M.
- Bible Study...The Zine!: Trans* & Gender Non-conforming & Non-binary | Various Contributors
- Casa de los Trucos #3: Chicken Soup for the Transsexual Soul | Mateo Parra
- Fat Girl: a zine for fat dykes and the women who want them
- Femme a barbe: the zine for bearded ladies and other gender outlaws | JB Brager
- Gendercide: v.3, part 1 the chemical warfare issue | Ashley Altadonna
- Just So You Know #1 | Joey Alison Sayers
- Prude: compilation sexuality zine | Lauren Jade Martin
- Stereotype threat : trying to frame graduate school as a radical / queer / punk endeavor | Imogen Binnie
- Timtum: a Yidishe ṭrans-zin : a trans Jew zine | Micah
- Things My Mom Thinks Made Me Gay | Nathalie Levine
- The transfeminist manifesto: and other essays on transfeminism | Emi Koyama
- Trans(in)formation no. 2 | Kelly Shortandqueer
- Transgressions, a political zine for trans, butch, intersex, genderqueer... people of color | Priyank Jindal
- Queerean | Yumi Lee
- We are not white lesbians | Nia King